Manning Zipees Sidewalk Surf Board Major M369

zipees major m369

bk schralper

Brand: Manning
Size: 4.35″ x 18.9″
Year: 1960s

The Zipees Sidewalk Surf Board Major M369, for its full name, appears to be one of the smallest skateboard made in the 1960s. The width on the tail is 3.3″. This model had two variations using the same design, the 23″ long Olympic M371 with a red color graphic and the 27″ long All-Pro M373 with a green color graphic. These three models shared the same trucks and wheels sizes, but the Major M369 and its blue color graphic has also been released with yellow rings on the wheels. Even though the manufacturer is Manning, based in Chicago, United States, it looks like Zipees was the brand name for all their skateboards, some models don’t even have Manning written on them.
